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European Beech> Beech Boards> Four-sided A-level special hopper special beech wood imports beech boards decoration special

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Four-sided A-level special hopper special beech wood imports beech boards decoration special
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Beech identification should be said that it is not very difficult to the naked eye, with little wood and similar. The beech has a clear texture and no muddy water. Beech is a common material, so the wood texture is symmetrical and the texture is smooth. Beech wood furniture in the common one for the case, wide and half, more than Zhang belongs to ordinary. Beech texture is beautiful, so the craftsmen have the sense to be used, the doors are generally alone plate, thick plate for a two, flip for the left and right, the tower pattern of the best, commonly known as pagoda pattern. Double pagoda frame door for the cabinet in the top grade.

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